
06 April, 2010

Two Men of Same Birthday! And Two Simple Lifes!

In the above photo, by now, I hope you would recognize me and Esther (in the middle), then on Esther's right is Grace, her sister, and on my left, Eddie, i.e. Grace's husband. In English, it's called Brother-In-Law (some corrected me and say it should be Brother-Out-Law in this case), while I prefer the Chinese way of saying it, i.e. we simply call each other's first name, and address each other as Brothers! What you may find it funny (or even amazed) is that Eddie and  I are of the same birthday (20th April). Now you may want to check around your friends and relatives and see if any of the sisters have married to their husbands who share the same birthday! We don't need to explain everything in life, neither are we capable of doing so. Though, we can certainly enjoy the fun of it, the fun of being part of the unexplained phenomenons in life!

Eddie's purpose of being here, like Grace, is to "come and see me". Also, more important, is to accompany Grace to return home (Hong Kong) as she has been here for more than 3 weeks. While Eddie, her dutiful husband, on the first day of the Easter holidays, to squeeze into a long haul flight coming all the way to be here in Vancouver the very first time for a few days, didn't really see much of the city and going to leave this evening! Lady Grace, you know how lucky you are? This also makes me think what's the (real) meaning of life: Eddie's life is all about his family. He works so hard and sacrifices to keep his family members happy!

Like most people at the same age in Hong Kong, Eddie was not given the opportunity to receive advanced education. They need to work extremely hard, and to work from bottom up, and be loyal, dedicated and great integrity to earn his today's senior management position. Of course, it also depends on who you are working for and repeated strikes of luck, careful choices and decisions, you then are able to swim through the ups and downs and survived various challenges and uncertainties in the past 3.5 decades. Then, their biggest achievements are that they raised a couple of kids, and a saving that can keep their retirement self-sustainable, with (social) respect! Eddie spends most of his time working at the office, as well the homework, i.e. the works that he see needed fixes at home. His biggest enjoyment is his walks at the back hill of where he lives and once a week, a dim-sum tea session with Grace and the kids. He has planned for his retirement in about 4 years' time and he seems satisfied with it. Life can be so simple! 

The Chinese philosophy guided that "If you expect little, less you will be dissatisfied! If you expect nothing, then you will never be dissatisfied!" (Save the debates of who is in-charge of life and whether life should be lived pessimistically or optimistically!) I agreed and echoed that there is a lot of merits if we can "Keep Life Simple!" Keeping life simple doesn't equates to a dumb life, as our life can still be filled with joy and fun. However, if we can keep it simple (or at least less complex), our mind is at greater ease and peace! Even when we are among life crisis and challenges, if we can simply take them as our daily life (or part of the process that we have to go through), we seek immediate agreement with the situation and "live with it", we then feel the solidness of ourself's own existence.

Life is full of joy and fun! Life is simple! Life is simpler than you think it is!          


  1. My husband's 2 brother-in-law were born on the same day and same month and same year!

  2. Wow! Dream On, this is really cool! Anyone else? Soon, we can start the "Brother-in-laws born on the same day club"! Hahahah!

  3. I am more looking at the suggestion of a simple life. Moving to Vancouver 6 years ago really simplified your life (in my opinion) and made all the good things possible.

  4. Life could be as simple or complicated depending on how we live it! Has anyone ever watch a hamster (a rodent children love to keep as pet in England) running on a wheel? It is a form of exercise for the caged animal. To me, it symbolised our life activities. Most of us stay on the wheel forgetting how to get off it; forgetting to pause and enjoy the simple things of life. So friends, don't wait until retirement before taking a walk in the park; go dancing; try singing or whatever one fancy, set yourself a challenge (something that you have never done before). For me I took dancing lessons 14 months ago, and I am loving it!

  5. Dear Matt: Just want to let you know that there's one more person that we know can join your Birthday Club... That's Claudia's son Jonthan... He was born on the same day - April 20... A lot of people might thought that I've planned a lot of things for my life... In fact, I've never planned anything at all... To say it short, I just follow the flow and just pick-up whatever opportunities that provided... For this instance, I simply choose to slow down for you and the family and just FxxK what works need-to-be... I apologized for the F-word... It's true that it's so fulfilling for myself to value something that is more important than Works... And that's my FAMILY... And I do cherish & love it...
