
19 June, 2010

You Will be Missed!

Tomorrow is the Father's Day! To make this year's Father's Day special is because of my diagnosis of cancer and the proclamation my life expectancy of 6 to 8 months (counting from end February, 2010). It's kind of hard and harsh to predict what would happen in 12 months' time, especially when the possibility of the odds are there and being defined. For a guy (like me) who is used to organizing and planning, it's a surprise that he is unable to stand firm for things of a year's time-line. Though, what I learned, and now start to enjoy, is to "live the moment" and to "live the day". To feel the now, to enjoy the now, the today, the present! I am sadden when I start to think about if I am around the same time next year. My eyes water when people told me "You will be missed!" (*And lately, as you can imagine, I have been hearing this phrase many times, in some case, many times within an hour!) Then, I need to learn, it's an accurate expression of the feeling, and I should feel gifted that "I will be missed!" I then also learned how to reply, with half joking tone, I said "Don't just miss me then, try to take good care of me now!" (Hahahah!)

Yes, I mean it. I don't mind to be missed by you anytime in the future, and you know well that I cannot be too certain if I would know I am missed or you are missing me, etc. However, I am surely aware and actually feel it if you miss me now and you care about me now. All the gifts of the positive energy and the love & care that you are exercising on me!

5 ex-colleagues of mine formed a delegation. They arrived in Vancouver last Saturday (12/June) and leaving today (19/June). We know each other for 20-25 years and the relationship between us go further. It's very solid and nice feeling when we hug each other, when we can share some memories and when conversation are filled with laughter. It's always hard to say goodbye, especially when the next meeting date/time is not well defined. I still have to thank you for coming all the way just to meet me (and hug me) and the physical love & care that I experienced with first hands. "You also take good care of yourselves and have a safe and smooth trip back home!"

(The above photo was taken this morning in front of the Radisson Hotel in Richmond.)

1 comment:

  1. It's nice catching up too. I felt like going back to while we were in ICC. Good luck on every thing you might have and let's do it again somedays too!
