
05 June, 2010

Celebration Of Life - The Beloved Miss Erika Liu

The Vancouver Summer is charming. Outside temperature is always mild and try not to make you sweat. The blue is clear blue and the white is silver white. The air in the early morning is so refreshing that you will pay any price for it, and now it's free of charge to you. I tried to do some garden work yesterday, and may be because of this, my ribs on both side and my left arm was feeling stressed during sleep yesterday. It's a lot better after some massage this morning.

One of my colleague in SUCCESS Family and Youth Division, Miss Erika Liu, is having her Memorial Service this morning. She was checked into the emergency of VGH (Vancouver General Hospital) on 25th October, 2009, and later diagnosed of Lung Cancer Terminal Stage (i.e. same as me). Her family took good care of her and her final days were spent in hospice care home. Erika recorded her last message to us and it was played in the service this morning. The room was filled with her family, friends and co-workers, and additional chairs were needed to be added in the corridor. The photo slide show was a good one and it showed the younger version of Erika, with long hair and her tall figure always stood out of the rest of the group inside the photo. There were also a few photos taken in her farewell party a few weeks ago and it is obvious to see what lung cancer can do to a healthy person within a short time.

Esther, sitting next to me, her eyes are filled with water most of the time. Keep in mind that she barely know Erika and more she is thinking of me and herself. It's a time good for reflection on ourselves, our life and the true meaning of life!

All the Christian songs chosen today are beautiful. It's also a good occasion to meet up with various colleagues and to update them on my body condition. "Very well I am!"

Erika, thank you for your memorial service this morning. We will always remember you. And you will always be in our hearts!

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