
01 May, 2010

Paper Boats - Spread of Dreams!

Below is Paper Boats written by the world famous Indian Poet Rabintranath Tagore in the book of The Crescent Moon (1913):

DAY by day I float my paper boats one by one down the running stream. 

In big black letters I write my name on them and the name of the village where I live. 

I hope that someone in some strange land will find them and know who I am. 

I load my little boats with shiuli flowers from our garden, and hope that these blooms of the dawn will be carried safely to land in the night. 

I launch my paper boats and look up into the sky and see the little clouds setting their white bulging sails. 

I know not what playmate of mine in the sky sends them down the air to race with my boats! 

When night comes I bury my face in my arms and dream that my paper boats float on and on under the midnight stars. 

The fairies of sleep are sailing in them, and the lading is their baskets full of dreams. 

This poem stimulated quite a number of authors around the world to write different texts but under similar line of thinking.

This Blogger (which you are reading) started 8 weeks ago, with a simple idea in mind is to do "something meaningful" for the rest of my life (no matter how long it is), a simple objective "to talk about death & dying" and how to make this process easier and rewarding for both the dying and the living ones. Then, for myself, is to leave something behind for my loved ones, family and friends to read/memorize whenever they would like to (so from time to time, the postings have details of happened and inserted with photos of the day).  

This exercise turns out to be such an enjoyable process!

This Blogger now becomes the important communication tool between myself and to my friends (or friends of friends) and actually save me a lot of time and energy in answering individual enquiries/phone calls. It help me directly connected with most of you as you are free to either do the comment posting on the Blogger, or choose to send me your feeling through ordinary emails. I also treasure a lot that you all have provided me with unlimited positive energy, be it a sharing of cancer survivors' story, an encouragement from cancer fellows, a tip of a healthy information, or simply a pad on the shoulder and say "keep it up" or "we are praying for you"!

What I did not expect and slowly it is evolving are other activities that were stimulated by this Blogger:

A few of the readers decided to start their own blogs, friends (and friends of friends) are re-discovering their meaning of life and family values. In a few occasions, I was told their marriage and family relationship improved and even the kids start to be more mature and treasure their time with their parents. I am so touched by all these "news" that you are feeding me!

Regarding the other more creative and dynamic activities that are yet coming out, allow me to hold for the moments all these "interesting developments" as they will be posted here in this Blogger in the near future.
I am so glad that this Blogger can have such wonderful echos from you and ... ...

When night comes I bury my face in my arms and dream that my paper boats float on and on under the midnight stars. 
The fairies of sleep are sailing in them, and the lading is their baskets full of dreams.

[This is The Pearl of the Orient - Hong Kong, my birthplace and original home town. It's very attractive at night as many lights shine and lit the Victoria Harbor.. I don't know whether my paper boats can survive that far to sail from Vancouver to Hong Kong ... but let them float ... let the fantasies flow ... all the way from Vancouver to Hong Kong!]


  1. Hello Matthew

    although we have never met, but you telephoned me for success help lines volunteer. i think you are very brave and just wanted to say add oil(加油)!
    i will continue to read your blog and give you my support.


  2. Hi Wendy,

    Thank you for your encouragement and support!

    Yours, Matthew

  3. Life, sometimes can be a Bitch if you start-off negative... sometimes can be a long-last Friend forever if you both click... I never would like to fight and I choose to just follow the flow (this sounds very 70-ish!!!) I'm sure that your paper boat will be everywhere you want... With I'm in... Bro
