
14 May, 2010

Want More Side Effects?

Since yesterday's posting regarding the side effect "skin rash", I am touched by some of the readers courtesy and care and it seems that they would like to know more about the side effects (especially if I am suppressing some of the side effects purposely using my positive attitude) and how I am working with the side effects so other fellows can also draw reference to it.

First, I will not suppress myself in mentioning any of the side effects using my positive attitude. In fact, the side effects were not mentioned because simply it doesn't really bother me. Now that you have asked, may be I should elaborate a little more, especially in the sharing of how I deal with these side effects.

The skin rash is really the main side effects that you may expect after taking the Tarceva. In my case, the skin rash didn't start until the 6th day mark. But when it comes, it comes really fast. This I mean, in the morning, you only see a few round flat brownish spot around your neck, in the middle of the day, the numbers of spots grow fast and at the evening, you face, neck and upper body has been filled with all these spots. Then, the second morning when you get up, you see a lot of tiny bubbles surrounding your nose, mouth, and even underneath your hair (back of the skull) and they are all itchy. The appearance of the skin rash certainly is not good, but for me, I don't really need to meet with people. All I need to do is to keep the hygiene of it. Carefully and gently wash my face and neck with clean water and try not to rub and hurt the bubbles which will cause bleeding easily. In case you may need it, you can consider to apply some mild lotion, or some moisturizer. On the itchy feeling, I tend to use "mind control". It may sound hard for some people. Basically, I try not to allow my brain to have the itchy feeling of my face. I try to focus my mind in other, usually more important, stuff. If it's so difficult that you cannot stand the itchy feeling, then I will consider to use some cold water to wash my face, or simply use my hand to press on my face, rather than scratching it, I just laid my hand on the face and allow the feeling between the hand and the face to overcome the itchy feeling.

There are surely some other approaches that can also help reducing side effects. Important is it works for you. I shall try to touch on this subject again in future postings! If you have something to share with us, please also feel free to do so. We all learn from each other!


  1. Hi Matthew,

    I'm actually glad to hear about your rash! The severity of the rash often indicates a better response to Tarceva, and a better outcome, as you alluded to in your last posting. Here's more information:

    Take care!
    Matt T.

  2. So glad to hear that you are responding to Tarceva. You seem to manage the itchiness quite well. Hang in there, Matthew. Listening to relaxation music might help too.

  3. Dear Matt T. and Dream On,

    Thank you and I shall continue my promise with my friend, Cancer, to "live with him" and "treat him well".

    Yours, Matthew
