
06 May, 2010

What Happened Last Evening?

My body condition was quite okay yesterday. I took the shower in the afternoon and then had a short rest by 5:45pm. Then, I was planning to watch Game 3 of Second Play-Off between Canucks and Blackhawks starting 6:30pm. It was dinner time and I set around the table with Esther and Olivia, all of a sudden, my body started to sweat. The sweating was more like dripping of water, uncontrolled. The sweat just come down from the head and the upper body and made everything on the way wet. Respecting the body that this was a "clear signal" of something not so good, I decided immediately to lie down in my Home Care Unit and allow the body to rest, with the expectation that the body would take care of itself and get over this issue (of unknown and uncontrolled sweating).

So, instead of watching Canucks trying to gain ground in their own turf, I was resting on my bed and allow the body to regulate itself. "Thank you my body, just relax and try to recover!" About an hour and a half later, my sweat stopped and my body temperature also returned to normal range and I got up slowly and managed to watch the last 8 minutes of the Third Period. Only then I learned what happened last evening with Canucks, and I recognized that this game must be painful to watch. The result 5-2, the Blackhawks took Game 3 and now leading one game in the Play-Off!

Life is full of unexpected events and often than not, it's difficult to plan ahead of time, and even more difficult is to try to stay firmly with the plan, especially with my body conditions. Instead, I would encourage we just "go with the flow" and listen to our own body conditions and "live with it". Guaranteed, there are uncomfortableness through the process and there are ups and downs everyday, but the best way still is "go with the flow" and allow the body to regulate itself!

Canucks surely need to try harder this Friday in Game 4 in Vancouver. No matter what is going to happen, I would suggest not to worry, and just "go with the flow"! Just enjoy every minute of the game!


  1. 我在明报上看到你的情况,如果西医不能治愈你的肺癌,我建设你看一下中医,中医已存在几千年,我知道一位很有名的中医师倪海廈,在美国开诊所行医,据我所知,此人尽得中医之精髓,很多疑难杂症都很有效,他也治好过肺癌,在他的网站上就有这样的实例:



  2. dear Matthew
    我是jessie,一位通过你面试而加入中文热线服务培训的“同行”,那是在去年年底,我见到你和ceasy,你最后讲得话给我很大鼓励:希望不久我们一起工作!现在我们正在培训中,盼望你来到我们中间。谢谢你 Matthew,你实际上已经在教导我们,并且会一直鼓舞我们以积极向上的人生态度对待自己,帮助他人。请接收我最真挚的祝愿:坚持到底,早日康复,做我们的好榜样!
    Jessie (我用的是女儿账户,在这儿我女儿与儿子也要带去他们的问候和支持,祝Matthew叔叔坚强度过每一天}

  3. Thank you Jessie, thank you!
