
27 May, 2010

Beautiful Life and Beautiful People!

The Richmond Review is a free of charge publication to every household in Richmond City. Usually, it's delivered to your door front. It comes with a lot of advertisement, sale and discount coupons. This morning at about 9:00am, when I opened the door and to pick up today's issue, I am so delighted to find the covering article "Facing Death, Matthew finds peace!" and the photo next to it, two thumbs up with the blue colored "Life-O-Life" T-shirt. (*I used to wear XL size, and now even with a M size I find it roomy! Hahahah!) Considering that the interview was only done this Tuesday, i.e. two days ago, with all the writing, editing and publishing tasks, having this article in my hands 9:00am this morning is like an impossible task, and yet made possible! Unbelievable efficiency!

Mr Matthew Hoekstra has done an excellent job in summarizing our dialogue and the key messages are carried very well. Ms Jennifer Gauthier's photos (the one on front page and another one on Page 3) are so beautiful. Thank you Matthew! Thank you Jennifer! And thank you for all the beautiful people/staff in Richmond Review to make this happen!

The objectives of this Blogger remains the same: To encourage open discussion on the end-of-life stage, and even better to enjoy the death and dying process. And to make friend with Cancer, to understand him/her, to live with him/her and to treat him/her well!

Being the readers of this Blogger, please participate in help promoting these ideas to those you may think appropriate and may be benefited from it. No matter how little step we take, it's done for the betterment of the community!

Again, thank you for providing me with all these positive energies and make my new voyage such an enjoyment! Thank you and let's continuous to work in this direction and make this community a better place to live in.


  1. Keep up with your good work Matt. You help to make the words 'cancer & death' sound less scary!

  2. Matt, you are doing something meaningful!

  3. Matthew, I read ur article in the richmond review and I felt tears coming to my eyes at once. I am thrilled and inspired by how you are accepting what life gives you. I am only 13 year old but I thank you so much for reading about your journey and I wish you the best of luck with the cancer! There is always hope, with todays technology!


  4. 癌症的话吃了就不死 ((挽救癌症患者的福音))最后的一试奇迹出现
    发送给好友 ┊ 权限 ┊ 删除
    该转帖仅你自己可见 该转帖你的好友都能看见今天一位几年没见的朋友请我们去吃饭,吃完在他公司闲聊时无意中说起他一个朋友的父亲得了癌症,被医生宣布只能回家等死了,有人送来了一个偏方,家人就是:死马只当活马医,试着吃起了这个方子,没想到吃了几贴就有了起色,就接着吃下去,现在已经是复查也查不出病症状了!于是这个朋友把这个方子拿来给了自己的亲戚吃,最近也有了起色!当下就跟他要了这个方子,不管这个方子是否真的有用,我把它放到我的空间上,如果有哪个朋友看到了可以转下来,说不定哪天能帮到人!上网查了查这几味药也真的是抗癌的药,平时没事也可以吃,有清热解毒之功效.     

    药方: 红枣大的八粒,小的十粒(共十八粒)  
        服法:四味药为一剂可煎两次  第一次用水量大约十五碗煎两个小时,第二次约十碗水煎两小时,然后将药汤倒起日夜当茶饮服
        一 该药主治各种癌症.根据服法结果,已经治愈了肠癌,肝癌,子宫癌,胃癌等,除乳癌效果差点外,其他癌症都有良好效果,特别是肠癌,只服四到六小时就起异常效果.
        二 平时每月煎一次服用,因该药药性对脏腑之热素及生痔疮,热咳等症,服后都有确实生效且能彻底治愈
    三 注意说明:半枝莲,清凉无毒,是排污草药,服后不能饮用开水,恐其冲淡药效,如果癌症三花(就是表面能看见烂的),可将刚生长的新鲜草药捣烂取其汁,将渣敷于患处,其汁用水热烧当茶喝,此药不分男女老少,服用三至四个月,方能彻底全愈,服用后大小便有浓血排出,这反映毒物,清除后即止,可免惊疑。
    四 此方是一个犯人在执行死刑前三天供出来的,因恐死后失传,到目前为止,治愈者无数,是救人一大积德!


  5. Thanks for your advice throughour your blogs.
    I am worried to death because chinese med practitioner keeps warning me of not letting my mom do chemo, or she may die after the first shot, while doctors said it may be worth a try, though with risk.

  6. Dear Irene, Share with Love and Rebecca,

    Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I shall continue in this direction with all the positive energy that you are providing me!

    Yours, Matthew

  7. Dear John,

    Focus in your Mom and her quality of living. This is the most important thing! And also take good care of yourself (so you can take good care of your mom).

    God bless and with all best wishes!

    Yours, Matthew

  8. Matthew,

    I've received a lot of feedback since the story has been published. So many people--people who have no cancer in their lives--have been affected by your story. These are folks who are drawing inspiration from you and your journey. Keep being the best you can be.
    -Matthew Hoekstra, Richmond Review.

  9. Dear Matthew,

    Thank you for your great article and help me realize my "residue value" as I am approaching my end stage of life. Let's continue to work for the betterment of the community!

    Yours, Matthew
