
18 May, 2010

"Death Bonds" for Better End-Of-Life Quality?

There's an article in the recent issue of Canadian Business (Volume 83, Issue 8, 11-24 May, 2010) titled Dead Set Against It? "Death Bonds" are a macabre business. But is sound moral judgment or a bad rapy keeping them out of Canada? written by Greg Hudson.

As the article suggested: "Death Bond" might sound like the title of a Charles Bronson moive, but in fact, it's the name of a legitimate financial product in the U.S. and pockets of Canada, other referred to more euphemistically as a "life settlement." Depending on who you ask, the idea of a secondary life insurance market is either a godsend in troubled times or another example of the grotesque depths to which people will stoop to make a buck.

The idea is to allow life insurance policy owner to sell forward (i.e. to sell the policy to someone before his/her own death) so that he/she can have the cash (again before his/her own death) for whatever reason. Of course, everything comes with a cost and sometime can make things more complicated as the beneficiary in this case will clearly be different than the one originally assigned. On the other hand, I personally see a clear advantage of this "selling forward" is that the policy owner can actually enjoy his/her own policy, be it for a stressful financial reason, be it for a selfish life enjoyment expenditure item.

I would actually urge the government to work with the insurance industry to make this "Death Bonds" or "Life Settlement" policy more transparent and more favorable/fair to the consumers. The situation is like death today, the general public and community members are reluctant to openly discuss these topic, as a result, this "business" is kept within a small group of people. You can imagine that the less people know, the less knowledge they acquired and therefore the worse position they are in to protect/achieve for themselves. Imagine that if a consumer can gain 10-20% more cash value in selling their life insurance policy forward, assuming for a U$500,000 policy, it is like a positive gain of U$50,000 to U$100,000. Wow! A lot of things can be done with this amount of money.


  1. Hi, My Matthew.
    Let me introduce myself first. My name is John, and my mom is stage IV breast cancer patient with mets in lymphs, bones and lungs. Her condition is deterioriating, after all these sessions of drawing water from her lungs. Right now she is taking morphine for the pain in her lower left back, which was the site where the tube was inserted. Feet swells. Always dizzy, can't sleep. lose appetite. constipation due to morphine.

    On the one hand, her oncologist told us she'd better under chemo as soon as possible, or she may not be able to do so later. On the other hand, her chinese med practitioner warned her of not doing chemo as with her current condition, she might probably succumb to the side effects. But he is not sure if she can take chi med alone to hinder the mets.

    Would you please give me some advice on if my mom should undergo chemo at this stage, or what she should consider right now before making up her mind? A million thanks. Hope you well.

  2. John,

    Kindly refer to my posting today (18/May). It's for you!

    Yours, Matthew
