
24 May, 2010

Surrender Brings Perfection!

China is one of the four ancient civilization and it's filled with wonderful publications which passed onto today! Among them is Tao Te Ching (also known as Dao De Jing) written by Lao Tzu (also known as Lao Zi) at about 500 B.C., or 2,500 years ago. As there are many different translation, today I used the Tarcher Cornerstones Editions translated by Jonathon Star.

Verse 22

"Surrender brings perfection"
The crooked become straight
The empty become full
The worn become new
Have little and gain much
Have much and be confused

So the Sage embraces the One
and becomes a model for the world
Without showing himself, he shines forth
Without promoting himself, he is distinguished
Without claiming reward, he gains endless merit
Without seeking glory, his glory endures

The Sage knows how to follow
so he comes to command
He does not compete
so no one under Heaven can compete with him

The anceint saying.
"Surrender brings perfection,"
is not just empty words
Truly, surrender brings perfection
and perfection brings the whole universe.

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You may also interpret "surrender" as "let go" and in life, it's important that we know how to "let it go", "let things go", and "let life go" ... etc. Once we know how to surrender and let go, we will feel the internal peace, we will feel the unity between us and the universe, we will feel how insignificant we are and this unimportance will bring us a lot of relief and peace in mind!

The sunset picture above was taken by David C. a couple of years ago in Hawaii. Important is the words "Remember the moments of the past, look forwrd to the promise of the future, but most of all, celebrate the present for iti s precious ...". Thank you David C.!


  1. Hi, Mathew,
    I talked to my mom's chinese med practitioner. He is strongly against chemo, saying my mom may succumb to its debilitating effect just after first shot. With just chinese med, he said my mom may live one or two months longer. Simply depressing.
    Right now my first priority is pain relief/symptom control. Then live as long as possible.
    I have decided to ask for help from another chinese med practitioner, who promised to try acupuncture on my mom for pain relief. We would try pure chinese method first, and if it fails, we would then resort to pallative chemo complemented by chinese med for the same goal of pain relief.

  2. Dear John,

    No matter which direction to go, important is your mom is consciously know about the choice and she is clear about the choice that was made. The quality of living for her, you and the relatives remains the core of what you guys need to work on! It's not an easy task but it's rewarding!

    With all best wishes!

    Yours, Matthew
