
15 March, 2010

Pamela and Hong, Thank You!

Pamela is a cancer survivor (since 2002) and Hong, her husband, is a Qi Gong Master. They came a long way today to meet me at my Home Care Unit. We discussed in depth about a variety of topics: Fruits and vegetables juices, The Healing Light (by Agnes Sanford), Pamela’s first- hand experience in dealing with cancer, and a few interesting moments such as the day Pamela was going to have her surgery (in removing the tumor), the surgeons at the hospital was on strike! And she told me, with a big smile at her face, how she sustained 36 times radiotherapy treatment which also killed a lot of her other useful cells and body parts. Hong then practiced his Qi Gong on me, and released the stress on my abdominal cavity as well as the pressure on my left chest. All through the process, Hong told me to just relax and let the Qi works by itself. Believe it or not, this evening, I started walking without using my walker and I didn’t feel the pressure and stress anymore. Wow! It’s awesome!

Pamela and Hong, you two are amazing people. Your experience towards cancer and your positive energy surely have great impact on me. After listening to your story, I actually find myself lucky as I will not need to do the surgery and highly likely no need to do radiotherapy. Although we know each other for less than a year and yet you have exercised so much love and care on me (and Esther)! Knowing beautiful people like you two, by itself, is an enjoyment of life!

Take a step back, it’s not difficult that we can find beautiful people surrounding us and doing beautiful things. If we know how to appreciate, or at least try to learn how to appreciate, our life is already in the process of enrichment. All these positive energy can surely help us overcome the fear of death and put our mind at ease.

Pamela and Hong, thank you! Thank you!


  1. 此博客翻譯為中文版本

  2. Did someone translate your blog into Chinese already??? Wow... =P

  3. For Pamela & Hong: I'm so glad that our paths cross... I suppose that we should thank Matt. 'cos without him... we won't talk to each other here... Matt. has been talked about you two so much and the energy that you both are transferring to him and all of us... Sooner or later, we'll put a name on a face... Until then, just keep Our Spirits Up and enjoying & sharing every moment we have... Love, Joey
