
13 July, 2010

Everything Is Going Well!

My last posting was on 6th July, 2010 and it's amazing how time flies and it's already a week since my last posting. Indeed it's kind of extraordinary that I did not touch the computer for so long as I was busy on some other things. For example, I am preparing to return to work (and thus I have been doing so extra work so that I can be better prepared when I am requested to start working), and I have started talking to a few of my friends just in case if I am able to return to my normal work life again. All these activities took up some considerable time and in additional to my "plain laziness" that I would like to lay back and continue to read those unfinished books during the past months. (*I have very bad habit that I like to read a few books in parallel, as a result, some of them were left unfinished which I would then do speed-reading in order to finish them.)

Spain finally won the World Cup in South Africa. It would be better if Netherland could win. As soon as Paul (the Octopus) selected Spain as the winner, I shy away from supporting Netherland as I knew well that Paul is 100% accurate and it's difficult to beat his prediction.

The daily routine is almost back to normal, except that I am having the luxury of getting to relax and have a nap whenever I want to. I am still enjoying my flexible time as the appointments are not too tight and I am able to accommodate any last minutes request to sit for a cup of tea among friends.

The above picture was taken on 11th July 2010 by 11:00am at the end of No.2 Road and the dyke. The water level was low and you can see the river bank easily. People were fishing near there except that they are very small and I personally don't think it's a good idea to take those small fishes home. The weather that day was great and two and a half hours later, in South Africa, Spain won the World Cup 2010!

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