
26 January, 2011

Home Sweet Home!

Yesterday I was allowed to be release from Vancouver General Hospital and return home. It was also yesterday that I started my latest radiation therapy on my sine and throat. It will take 10 sections over 2-3 weeks time and then I shall proceed with my chemotherapy which was kind of half-way done (as first infusion was done before the spine surgery. It was stopped and shall start again after the radiotherapy.

You may still remember that I am having he swallowing problems. Coming back home, a lot of options immediately opened up, e.g. now I can mix fresh fruit with yogurt, I can do congee with meat and add my Chinese sauce to it, and I can try even new type of thick juice. Since yesterday, I observed that I have increased eating. To make my mouth more comfortable, I have my Chinese plums. I don't eat them, but simply keep them inside my mouth and make my mouth waterly. I can walk around the house and trying to take care of my own body with the help of Esther and others.

The greatest, now I am home and I can be with my family members everyday. Olivia and Leo, and then my Mom with my brother Joey. Irene is coming from London to join us in two days time. She was planning here for long as for the Chinese New Year coming up. We are going to have a family reunion and everyone will enjoy that gathering together.

This is the post that I can do it myself, yes, using my own netbook and make everyone's life easier. I continue to make progress in my breathing (and swallowing) and it's really great feeling to make progress everyday.

This morning Esther and I set off early for the 2nd radiotherapy treatment. Morning is always so fresh. The below photo was taken when I returned home, it's before 9:00am, was you up yet?

Again, friends and relatives, thank you again for your prayers! It works well and I am glad I am here so far. Although I am down at only 120 pounds, but my spirit is strong, as strong as ever!


  1. Congrats! This is such a wonderful news! Have a great Chinese New Year celebration with your family!

  2. Congratulations for returning HOME! Home is where we can prepare the kind of food we like, be with our loved ones, sit where we want, rest in whatever posture we feel comfortable. Matthew, you have just reminded me to treasure my HOME. Sometimes we take HOME for granted just like we take our breathing and swallowing for granted. Thank you Matthew for sharing with us through this Blog. God Bless!

  3. Congrats Matthew, love to hear that you are returning home and can be with your family during the Chinese New Year for celebration. You made my day just to hear such good news from you. Thanks and take care. Miranda

  4. Friends,

    Thank you so so much for all your positive energies which take me for far, especially in the current body condition. Thank you!

    Yours, Matthew
