
08 February, 2011

A Short Report!

The third radiotherapy, 10 sessions, ended yesterday (7/Feb). Chemotherapy started today (last session was 22/Dec, then was the complication on the spine fracture, then the surgery, etc.) The next radiotherapy on the way starting probably this Thursday (10/Feb) and will be focus in the lower back, as it's been complaining for a few weeks.

Will have to see the spine surgery Doctor on Friday (11/Feb). Most of the complications remain, cannot swallow solid nor thin liquid, neck muscles and movement extremely tight, basically a few degrees up and down left and right. Sleep is difficult to be longer then half an hour, and changing of postures helps but will then be pain afterwards. No pain no gain!

Cheers everyone, assuming you should be enjoying every time you drink water, or can sleep well for longer than an hour ... And pain free! God bless!

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