
24 March, 2011

Earthquake, Tsunami, Radiation and Cancer

It's been sometime since the last post. There were quite a few things happened during the time which shocked the world while I was in my new drug trial period.

In a nutshell, my condition is stable with a little improvement everyday (or at least I tried). The pain is under good management now, which is very important. The side effects are there but well tolerated. Eating is still an issue but thanks to Esther and my family, it has improved and I started to gain weight though slowly. Energy level is good and I have been reading more and stay awake more during the day. Although mobility is not in full scale, I am working on more out-of-the-house actitivites, e.g. Dim Sum lunch, etc. It's always nice to walk with your own two feet on the ground and run into people that you know in the street. You may want to know how is Mr Cancer doing with me lately. Consider that I am only about three weeks on the trial, it's too early to say one way or another. Or I would say, "it's more important to enjoy today, to enjoy NOW!" whatever the future holds, worrying today is a waste of time. I am sure by now, you know me well enough and you would agree with me without a blink in your eyes.

11th March is now a date for remembrance. At one point, I cannot even watch the TV to see the tsunami running through the houses and imagine those >20,000 people died or reported missing. That moment must be very hard for them to bear. Yesterday, there was a report about orphans of the event. The kids were playing among themselves, laughing and smiling innocently, while their parents are missing. A few of them may be lucky and join with their parents later when all things are settled. Most of them would need to survive on their own, in the rest of their life.

May God take good care of you, to fill you with courage and love! We are all attached to one another, and you shall never feel alone.


  1. Keep on smiling and be vigilent on te trial.
    Yes, the Tsunami was terrible. But you are more important!

    We are not worried about you (there is, as you said, no need), but we are all here praying for you!

  2. So glad to hear that Matthew is gaining some energy and weight with your TLC. Take care of yourself too, Esther.

  3. Matthew, I'm happy to hear that you felt well enough to attend a dinner gathering yesterday evening. Hope you continue to recover with the new treatment.

  4. Dear Dennis,

    Indeed it was nice and may be we can also meet next time? Come drop by if you are so happened to be nearby.

    Yours, Matthew

  5. Dear Matthew, we were all pleased to learn of your improvement with the new treatment. We were all elated to see you, Esther and Oliver showed up at the party last Saturday. You must come again!! Eric
